
Monday, October 10, 2016

Best Healthy Diet For Eyes

Healthy Diet For Eyes - Apart from general and hygiene upkeep of eyes, healthy diet for eyes plays a major role in this respect. You should know about what is good for eyes, what vitamins are good for your eyes, healthy food and vegan diet for healthy eyes and how to improve your vision eating food rich of vitamins. A balanced diet & food for eyesight should consist of following essential nutrients which can be divided into following percentage (ratio):

  1. Carbohydrates – 40 to 50%
  2. Proteins – 15 – 2- %
  3. Fats – 13 – 14 %
  4. Vegetables fruits – 20 – 25%
  5. Fibre – 5 – 7 %

Note: Following category of persons should work out their daily requirement of nutrients, healthy diet for eyes, in relation to their physical disorders.Obese, overweight and fat persons
Reduce quantity of carbohydrates, fats but raise quantity of vegetables, circus fruits and fibre as Healthy diet for eyes.

Image Of Best Healthy Diet For Eyes

Best Food For Eyes

Best Healthy Diet For Eyes

Diabetic patients

They should cut down carbohydrates but raise protein consumption. Their diet should mainly consist of vegetables, fruits.

Heart patients

They should cut down consumption of fats to the minimum limits and substitute saturated fats with unsaturated fats. Fruit / vegetables are ideal diet for them but juices of vegetables and fruits should not be mixed together due to variable metabolic factors. They should also avoid sea, dairy and poultry products but can consume curd, whey, skimmed milk in low quantity.

Gouty patients

They should give up fish, meats, and dairy products. But take carbohydrates, proteins and fats in mush lower quantity. Juices of celery, parsley, cabbage are useful for them as healthy diet for eyes.

Arthritic and Rheumatic patients

They should switch over to juices of parsley, celery, cabbage, carrots, apple, mousambi, orange, and lemon. They should take plenty of green vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates. Fats should be taken in very moderate quantity.

Kidney patients

They should reduce protein and fats from their diet, but take whole grain cereals, water melon, musk melon, papaya, bael, coconut, barley water, lemon soda, lemons are beneficial for them as healthy diet for eyes. They must eliminate tomatoes totally from their diet. Avoid irritant spinach, as also spinach.

Asthmatic patients

They should take less of cereals but greater quantity of proteins and fats in moderate quantity. Milk, butter may they take, but whey and curd should be avoided. Meat, fish, eggs are also recommended. Avoid all edible / drinks which are also known to irritate throat membranes.

I have only given general guidelines but, while working out dietary plan, conditions like age, sex, health status, regional climate and availability of local items must not be lost sight of. In any case, each case should be in individualized.

Acidity and Alkalinity factors

Our blood contains greater quantity of alkaline substances and far less of acidic factors. In daily diet ratio, between alkaline and acidic substances, should be in ration of 80:20. If more acidic ingredients are ingested (like sweet, fried foods, meats, fish and aggs) there is bound to be more acidity which all result in burning, vomiting and acidic eructations.

Food for the eyes

Eyes are part of human physical system and whatever is eaten / drunk has a direct bearing on our entire metabolism. For instance, if too much of fried foods, fish, egg spices, meat, condiments are consumed eyes will redden, itch, smart and burn. Those who consume drugs, hard drinks, tobacco in any form, toxic foods, acid-rich foods are bowed to suffer from one eye ailment or the other. Hence, all such harmful, damaging and irritating foods should be avoided. Occasionally one may deviate from the normal practice, simply for a change, but that should not become a routine practice.Vitamins ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ are essential for proper health of the eyes and eyesight improvement. Foods which are considered useful for the eyes, have been listed, as under as healthy diet for eyes.

Vitamins ‘A’

This vitamin is found mainly in milk, butter, whey, clarified butter (ghee), cod liver oil, ripe mangoes, water melon, dates, dried dates, tomato, chaulai ka saag, spinach, cabbage, meat, celery, parsley drumsticks, carrot, bitter gourd (karela), coriander etc.

Vitamins ‘A’ Deficiency

Deficiency of this vital vitamin leads to night blindness, xerosis, keratomalacea, gradual dimness of vision, redness, absence of luster, pricking sensation. If vitamin ‘A’ is taken regularly, through anyone of food items mentioned earlier, one can stay free from the said ailments. When there is an acute deficiency of the vitamin, one may require 50,000 I.U and for the aged and the elderly even 2 lac I.U may be needed for the adults and 2000 and 2000 I.U for the children will suffice to meet normal requirement per day.

Vitamin ‘B’ Complex

B1, B2, B6 and B12, when combined together, from a group of vitamin ‘B’ complex which is quite necessary for various metabolic processes. A capsule of vitamin B complex will suffice adults and children for above 12 years but for infants and children ‘Abdec Drops’ or B complex syrup is preferable.

This vitamin is found in plenty in eggs, meat, liver, grain cereals, porridge, soybeans, apples, grapes, oranges, plantain (banana), green tomatoes, carrot, radish, cabbage, cucumber, kidney beans, coconut, mousambi, moong, green grain chana (black gram), groundnut, almonds, arhar, raisins etc.

Daily requirement of vitamin B complex has already been mentioned earlier which may be referred to again. Through your normal diet contains almost all the necessary vitamins of this group but deficiency states, despite that, are quite common which cause weak vision, atrophy of optic nerve or its inflammation (Retrobulbar neuritis) due to which visual centre in the brain fails to receive messages. Due to this type of inflammation, the eyes cannot transmit messages to the brain. Even when and even if they apparently look healthy and normal. According to Harrison, ‘ It is optic neurosis, that is an inflammation of the optic nerve behind the eyes, causing increasingly blurred vision when the inflammation involves the first part of the nerve and can be seen at the optic disk. It is called Optic Papellitis. Retrobulbar neuritis is one of the symptoms of multiple selerosis (hardness) but it can occur as an isolated lesion, in the absence of any other involvement of nervous system, with the patient recovering vision completely.

In addition to the above major complaints, one may suffer from pain in the eyes, watering, burning etc. The diseases can be precipitated also by weak nervous system or sensory nerve, loss of appetite, fall in weight, as B-complex vitamin is a sustaining and nutritive live force of nervous system.

Vitamin ‘C’

Deficiency of this vitamin causes easy fatigue of the eyes, delay in healing process, lowered alacrity, heaviness in the eyes, bleeding from eye’s-lashes and mucus membranes etc. It is found plenty in all citrus/ sweet fruits, amla, lemon, oranges, mousambi, guava, tomato, water melon, pear, papaya, pineapple, apple, bittergourd, cauliflower etc.

If a teaspoonful juice of a lemon is mixed with a glass of water and taken daily, It will keep the eyes almost free from diseases. Alternatively juice of amla will prove still better. If it is not suitable, pickle, jam powder of amla will also fetch the same benefits. Some people drink ‘triphala’ daily and also wash their eyes with a diluted solution to keep their eyes healthy.

Also Read : Related Article Of Best Healthy Diet For Eyes

Vitamin ‘D’

Its natural source is rays of sun. Those who bask in the sun rays or take bath in the sun or keep a bucket of water in the sun, exposed to sun rays, and then use the same water for bathing purpose, they can make up deficiency of vitamin ‘D’. Alternatively, it can be easily had from liver, eggs, cod liver oil, milk, butter etc. This vitamin provides nutrition to nervous system. Its deficiency can cause early onset of cataract, though there are also other causes for onset of cataract.


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