
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Today Show Detox Diet dr OZ Detox Diet 48 Hours

dr oz detox diet today show, dr oz detox diet menu and dr. oz 30 day detox diet recipes - Dr. Oz is the figure of the doctor who is quite familiar in terms of health and diet. Natural methods admired a lot of people and make people switch from medical treatment chemical, to alternative medicine. Dr. Oz detox diet do not every day, but only 48 hours. Previously i'm write about Dr OZ Detox Diet Today Show

In a short time, the detox diet will help clear three important organs in the body, which greatly affect body weight and digestive health. extreme low-calorie diet is dangerous for the body. The method will take the essential nutrients in the body and makes the body hunger, so that your metabolism so very slow. As a result, the body dehydration, dizziness, restlessness, nausea, until the damage to the intestines.

What should be consumed while running a detox diet for 48 hours?

dr oz detox diet menu

During the detox diet, there are several rules that must be followed are not able to eat on 7pm, Bathroom with bath salts to help remove toxins from the body, and consume dandelion tea to excrete toxins from the liver.

Suggested as an additional food while running a detox diet:

  1. Consumption of fruits such as berries, peppers are rich in capsaicin, and is able to increase the number of enzymes in the liver.
  2. Consumption of various foods made from wheat, fermented foods, pickles, and probiotic drinks good for bowel health.
  3. Consumption of foods made from soy products that serve a diuretic and facilitate digestion. You can also eat cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, and so forth are very good for the kidneys

Here's information about Today Show Detox Diet dr OZ Detox Diet 48 Hours that I can convey to the dr oz today episode. Hopefully this article can increase your knowledge of all. Thank You

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