We can all pretty much agree that soda is unhealthy and kale is healthy. But there are lots of foods on the soda-to-kale continuum whose nutritional value is murky.
For example, what is the deal with granola? Frozen yogurt? Red meat? And are you supposed to eat butter or never eat it?
It turns out that there’s some agreement and a fair amount of disagreement about the nutritiousness of the foods we eat every day.
For example, some of the foods that experts think are unhealthy AF, the public actually thinks are healthy.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
For example, regular people surveyed
overwhelmingly thought that frozen yogurt, granola, granola bars, and
orange juice are healthy, while nutritionists surveyed overwhelmingly
thought that they were not.
And then there are foods that are considered healthy by nutritionists, but the public doesn’t seem to realize their value.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
The majority of nutritionists thought these foods were healthy, while only some of the regular people surveyed agreed.
And, of course, there are some foods that everyone can agree are generally healthy.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
This included whole foods free of added sugar that also happen to be a good source of protein, carbs, or healthy fats.
And everyone seemed to more or less agree that certain foods are unhealthy.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
Foods that are highly processed or high in added sugar or calories seemed to ping everyone’s unhealthy radar.
And since it wouldn’t be a conversation about nutrition unless things got ~murky,~ there are a bunch of foods that people had mixed feelings about.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
Just over half of each group surveyed
described the following foods as healthy: pork chops, steak, whole
milk, cheddar cheese, and popcorn.